Slow Down

A leap motion game 

Gesture recognition

All ingame actions and commands are done by gestures.

Control the time

Master the pace of the game with a swipe of your hand. Slow down to pass the gates, speed up to score.

Think in shapes

Scale and rotate your shape with gestures to pass rotating gates.

Smash and avoid

Smash the blue cubes to score.
Avoid the red ones to stay alive.


This game was developed as part of an experimental game jam at HTW Berlin (2015)


"Finger Theater"

My Job

► Level Design
► Setup and Prototyping

Time frame

3 weeks (150 hours)


Unity®, Leap Motion Controller

Level Design

Level Design

Each gate has a predefined shape including subtle hints to guide the player in the direction in which the player cube has to pass it.
I used sketches and pen&paper prototyping to design eye-catching silhouettes for the gates.

Level Scripting and Balancing

I developed and scripted the mechanism of the gates and designed the pattern of their appearance to ensure replayabilty and a challenging progress in difficulty.

Experimental Prototyping


To get familiar with the leap motion controller and to find fun ways to use it as a game controller, I have made several small prototypes. Each of those uses different gestures to control the game.


I then filtered out the gestures that worked fine with the leap motion controller, discarding all those that were unreliable, imprecise or just not fun or unintuitive to use.
Based on this knowledge, we started to develop our actual game.