Karsten Krull

Challenging fish with a Raspberry Pi as its pacemaker 

""My creators call me prototype, I call myself perfect!"
"Some say I am nagging, I'd say I am challenging."
"And those who call me lazy just don't know that it's a matter of style to have others carefully attending to you."

Responsive to different sensory input

Use your hands, eyes, ears and voice to interact with Karsten.

Recognizes up to 4 players

Karsten addresses each player individually every turn.

Over 400 different voice lines

Karsten loves to communicate, to give out tasks, complaining and even singing.

It's not only a toy, it's a game

With Karsten you can play turn based game rounds and different mini games.


This toy was developed as a 5th semester project at
HTW Berlin (2015/16)


Digital Toy, No Screen Game, IoT

My Job

► Technical Setup
► System Design
► Programming

Time frame

600 hours


Raspberry Pi

Technical Setup


I was responsible for setting up the Raspberry Pi. I made the sensors working with the device and set up its input and output handling.


I did a lot of breadboard prototyping to make us familiar with the possibilities of the Raspberry Pi and its sensors, and to experiment with mini games.

System Design

Gameplay development

As a team we developed the behavior of the toy and created different pen & paper prototypes to demonstrate and play through different scenarios.

System modelling

Due to the dynamic nature of the toy, I modeled the behavior of Karsten in Machinations and translated the final interaction of sensors in a flowchart.

Minigame Development

I modeled mini games like 'Karsten's Toothache' as pen&paper and breadboards prototypes and created the scripts to implement them into the main game.


The final prototype of Karsten is equipped with the following sensors:

Voice - speaker
Ears - microphone
Taste - RFID
Eye - light sensor and LED
Teeth - buttons and LED
Scales - touch sensitive fabric
Sense of balance - Gyroscope



I developed the program structure in flowcharts and documented later changes as well.


I learned python from scratch for this project and wrote most of the code of it
► Download code sample


The feedback of the toy is very audio-heavy. For debugging and enhancement of the game system it was important for me to write a log system.